Azshure Raine Novels

One more, One last time

From Romantasy to Retellings

Welcome to Azshure Raine Novels

I’m Azshure, or Az for short. I write an original ‘Final’ Fantasy esqe Romantasy series with Titans and Zodiac.
I also am branching out into the wide word of Romantasy Retellings with my first THAT TIME I WAS KIDNAPPED BY THE FAE KING releasing in March of 2025 through Shadow Spark Publishing.
The retellings are Novella+ (Between 40k-70k words and easy reads)
ReBirth+ is an epic fantasy trilogy spanning currently three books with three prologues behind it, including the backstory of the MC Jase Raion, Corvus, and The Titan of Time herself.

You can expect many more romances coming from me in the future, including THE DROWNED PRINCE (Little Mermaid) and DEATH LIKE SLEEP (Sleeping Beauty)

So please, look forward to it.


Meet the Author

Azshure Raine, mother of 3, Romantasy writer and Lady of the Gunblade
Her day job is sticking things to newborn babies, and by that she means hearing screens. She has been married to her SO of 13+ years. She has a degree in Animation from Grand Valley State University and uses her knowledge of movies to write novels.

Art of ReBirth’s couple, Jase Raion and Liya Fairaway as well as Ezra Rose and Bryn Carlisle from Kidnapped (coming soon)
Art by Azshure Raine